View Profile gregaaron89
I wish I was European so I could make better electronica :C

Age 35, Male


Joined on 5/18/07

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gregaaron89's News

Posted by gregaaron89 - December 4th, 2009

I am getting way too damn old for this site :3

20, the one year in my life where I'm no longer a teenager, yet I still can't legally get drunk. What's up with that? Being 20 feels pretty unremarkable, I guess.

Oh, I'm getting theeeeese monitors for my birthday :D 6.5 inches, bitches.

Hmm I dunno what else to say... CAKE PLZ

OMG I'M 20

Posted by gregaaron89 - September 28th, 2009

These are the top 5 trance songs I've been addicted to this past month (not necessarily that they came out in September, that's just when I discovered them)

I've made a playlist of all 5 on youtube that I'd recommend watching instead of the videos here (I wanted to embed the playlist but I don't think I can do that)

Anyway I really wanted to share these great songs that I've discovered. Maybe in the future, If I learn to DJ, I will post a mix. But for now a playlist is the best I can do. I carefully chose the order though, sort of a condensed version of how I would like a set would go. Tell me what you think. It kind of sucks that some songs don't have the intro and outro or aren't full quality but that's because they aren't released yet and ripped from sets.

Rank 1 - Symfo

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Activa pres. Solar Movement - Eclipse (Mat Zo Remix)

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Super8 & Tab - Irufushi

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Alex M.O.R.P.H - Break The Light

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Adam Nickey - Callista (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)

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Posted by gregaaron89 - September 6th, 2009

We're gonna crack open the big egg!

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Also, this is too fucking cute ^_____^

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Eggs and pancakes... hmm... I'm hungry :P Someone find me a bacon related video!

Posted by gregaaron89 - September 1st, 2009

I go through these random bouts of artistic depression sometimes. It's hard. I'm trying to get better with my music, I mean really GOOD. When I'm making stuff in the back of my mind I always strive for it to sound as professional as possible. Which is where I start to have problems.

I've been getting a lot better lately. But it doesn't all happen in an orderly way. In some areas I'm very good at, some I'm pretty amateur. So it's like I've been given some of the pieces to a puzzle that I've been trying to solve for a long time. Some fit perfectly, some I have to crudely shove in place and some are missing altogether. Unfortunately all of these skills altogether are only as strong as their weakest link in completing a full track.

So it's no surprise that I get frustrated. I'm caught between moving forward and repeating the same mistakes and staying where I am. But my latest music just feels so forced, like I'm lacking passion. I think the biggest problem is that I'm not having enough FUN producing. I may have more skill but that's not necessarily going to make for a more interesting song. Back when I was more inexperienced I did not have all these expectations of myself, all these strict rules I have constructed and I was more free to do whatever I wanted. As a result everything just flowed a lot easier, and I didn't have anything to prove.

I'm so afraid of being WRONG, I have this mindset that everything has to be RIGHT or else it won't work. I'm not compromising. I want so much to produce at a professional level but all that ambition is not helping me, it is only looming over my head like an obstacle.

The worst thing for me has been the upcoming Electronic EP #2. nal1200 is accepting demos until October 1st. I wanted to participate last year but couldn't, and I lacked the experience to make anything good. This year it will be a lot more competitive and I'm determined to make my track as good as possible. But I'm treating this like I'm submitting to a label or something and it's freaking me out.

Here is the track I'm working on. I keep changing it and progress is slow. One day I'll think it's freaking awesome and I'll be dancing to it and the next I'll listen and just hear everything wrong with it and just feel uncertain and worried about it.

And let me clarify: When I said I want to be at a professional level, it's not to make it big, get famous and rich or anything. I don't care if no one knows who I am. It's just that I hear all this great music and I think to myself 'I want my music to sound like THAT!' I want the flow from my head to the final mix to be smooth. It's in there but I have a hard time getting it out. It's just about self expression. I make music primarily for myself. Yeah I do want to share it with people but I want them to appreciate the music itself, not just praise me for it. It's about the music, not about me. This rant makes me kind of sound kind of egotistical I think, I'm not really.

But yeah I know everyone hates to hear bitchy emo rants like this especially from someone who doesn't suck because it makes beginners jellyous when someone better than them has low self esteem. I'm just saying... I totally understand that because I draw and I HAET it when really fucking amazing artists think they're terrible. I'm not saying I'm amazing or anything b- DAMN I SUCK WITH ANALOGIES AND NOT MAKING MYSELF LOOK LIKE A STUCK UP DOUCHEBAG SORRY ABOUT THAT But anyway I needed to rant and stuff because I've been holding that in for a LONG TIME. Blah blah I'll probably feel embarrassed about this post and delete it in the morning anyway.

Posted by gregaaron89 - August 29th, 2009

Posted by gregaaron89 - July 30th, 2009

View users with you on their Favorite Artists list! (69)

LOL 69

Posted by gregaaron89 - July 4th, 2009

Here are some songs I've been addicted to lately... I can't help but blast them several times a day!

John O'Callaghan - Find Yourself
(Vocal Trance)

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Mat Zo - The Fractal Universe
(Progressive Trance)

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Noisia - Stigma

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I would also like to recommend The Knux - Bang Bang (Alternative Hip Hop... no really it's not what you think) I'm linking to it rather than embedding because Universal Music Group disabled the embedding feature... THOSE BASTARDS!

Posted by gregaaron89 - April 17th, 2009

I'm copying MICHhimself who copied xKore who copied Sp1r1t.

Go listen to these songs RIGHT NOW

Jaytech - Vela (Tritonal Air Up There Mix)

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M83 - Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun

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Mat Zo - Lucky Strike

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Natlife - Space Colonization (Dima Krasnik Remix)

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Jon O'bir - Ways And Means (Paul Van Dyk Remix)

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Paul Keeley - Life Aquatic

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Posted by gregaaron89 - March 23rd, 2009

So I found this video here on how to make a complex sound effect out of recorded household sounds:
(watch this in HD on youtube)

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And he has a bunch of other videos which are all very fascinating... subscribe to him etc...

This really inspired me to the possibilities of working with audio. I've known about the use of foley in movies and such but I never really thought about the digital processing side of it. I really want to study sound and I've thought about a career in sound design. It would be awesome to work for a movie studio and invent sounds to go along with picture.

I think what I'm trying to say here is HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET TWO KNIVES AND A DOOR TO SOUND LIKE A FUCKING SPACESHIP O_O Blows my mind :D

Posted by gregaaron89 - March 11th, 2009

Although my production skills are better than they ever were, as much as I try I can't come up with a new song, only these little loops I've been making. I don't really want to stick to an idea.

I made a beat today:

http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/110309 /5146_OMG.mp3

I think it sounds near-professional as is but I have no idea what to do with it, if I try to build on it I could spoil a foundation for a song that I could possibly send to a label. I'm just going to put it off to the side and not touch it for a while until I build up some inspiration and better skills. Oh well back to the drawing board...